Credit Card Debt Relief - Do You Need It?

We are familiar with the old addage about the chicken and egg comparison over who is responsible for Americans that spend a whole lot more than they earn. One side accuses the credit card companies for paper landscape techniques with offers for plastic, and easy-to-get credit. The other party said that, regardless of the offer, people have nobody, but themselves to blame if they pay more than they can pay.

Both sides of the coin have valid points. By putting easy credit and irresponsibility together has put people in a financial pinch which results in about $ 900 billion in bad debt credit card in existance. Most of us have a wallet full of cards to wave around many times per day as a magic wand.

But all parties have the risk that banks forgive all of a sudden a large portion of that debt - which is what we're seeing today.

Some analysts, debt credit card will be the next domino to fall in the collapse of the economy. Today, banks reporting offender loses billions of cards. That is why the big banks and consumer advocates gather to ask Congress to relax the rules for the credit card impairments.

Specifically, they want to be able to forgive up to 40 per cent of the debt credit card worst offenders, and to develop long-term payment schedule for the rest. Currently, the government will not allow banks to reduce the principal debt on a card, or permit the long-term repayment schedules.

The country appears to be in a forgiving mood these days, with the government to bail out the banks and negotiate to bring the car. Regardless of whether banks and car manufacturers have made in May of bad decisions have problems in the first place.

It is difficult to say that these institutions deserve a great help, but not the little guy who bought a plasma TV that can not afford. Except, of course, a little thing called moral hazard.

Parents in general, understand that you can not save a child offender, the child goes without real consequences, and then expect the child to act differently in the future. Companies have no incentive to increase their skills if they know that the government will save them. Even consumers who crave the latest gadgets not afraid to break the plastic if they know their banks forgive their excesses.

And, of course, people who have acted responsibly all the time will be the real victims. Those who went bankrupt before the new rules came into force will complain about fairness. And the economy will continue to sag.

The Americans have quietly along the veil red rivers of responsibility for a long time. But the distance, once they have been good for your freight is brand new, in fact, approaching a waterfall. Torn out at the last minute will only delay a filing at the end of the end.